Hey guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel. I've been wanting to film this video for so long, but life has been a little bit crazy. So finally getting time to sit down on my sofa and have a little chat with you all. This is all about football. For those of you that are either new yoga teachers or maybe you are an aspiring yoga teacher, I get asked for tips around teaching yoga all the time. So I thought I would just share some of those tips. This is for those of you that have maybe just completed your 200 hours and you kind of don't really know where to go next and what to do. It's a bit daunting in the world of yoga sometimes. You know, it is a saturated market. There are many yoga teachers out there, all doing amazing things. But that doesn't mean to say that your amazingness can't fit in as well. It's just about finding your way in and finding your niche and just, I guess, being you. Then, you will attract people to you. So, I have a few little tips that will hopefully see you through and hopefully kind of get you on the right path. Loads of you asked me about my yoga journey, where I trained and things like that. I am going to be filming an updated version of my yoga journey very soon for you. But there is already a video about my trainings, which I'll link to below. So, if you're interested in seeing where I trained, then you can look at that. That was only up until 2016 and there have been new things since then. So, I am going to do an updated version. Let's say that you've just finished your 200 hours...
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