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Alternative teacher certification pa Form: What You Should Know

The post-baccalaureate certification form should be sent to the Department of Basic Education and must be signed by at least one of the following: an Area Dean and two of the following: Assistant Vice Chancellor/Assistant Vice President, School of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning at the University, or the University's dean of the college, or the student's faculty adviser. 3. Pass a background check, and then pass the student's final test. The Pennsylvania Post-Baccalaureate Certification Program requires background checks that are carried out by the Department of Basic Education. Students who have not successfully passed a background check by this time, shall be prohibited from taking one of the following courses, with any result: Mathematics and Computer Science, English Composition, Social Studies or General Education. If your final exam is in Mathematics and a passing mark is required for graduation from a University or College, your degree will be suspended. If you fail the final exam in one of these courses, any result of which is not in error, you will have a GPA of zero (0) for the entire student and the student's parents' grade-point average will be reduced by 1.00 for the entire school year. Post-graduate certificate programs must be completed by a student who possesses an A+ (grade A) minimum credit-bearing grade point average, a cumulative University or College course completion (excluding undergraduate minors and courses in the English department), a G.P.A that is at least equivalent to the G.P.A as calculated by the most recent University or College of Pennsylvania course completion records, and an overall grade point average (GPA) of at least a 2.00/4.00 for all courses or at least 2.50/4.00 for all courses for which a “Passed Exams” grade is required. The Department of Basic Education shall provide the written recommendation of a member of the Graduate School of Education in a manner determined by the Board. When the Department provides the written recommendation of a member of the Graduate School of Education, the student shall receive credit for courses completed for a degree of education unless the graduate course sequence had been excluded.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Alternative teacher certification pa

Instructions and Help about Alternative teacher certification pa

Well, the National Center for Alternative Certification was started by the National Center for Education Information, which I founded in 1979. Actually, the reason we created NCAC (the National Center for Alternative Certification) was because the growth in alternative routes for certifying teachers was really taking off. So, in 2003, we got a grant from the US Department of Education to actually set up a clearinghouse of information about alternative routes. That was the primary impetus for creating that site, to make information available, particularly to individuals who were seeking to become teachers. Alternate routes have had a major impact not only on who's entering the teaching profession, but also on how they enter. Alternate routes were, from the very beginning, set up to be basically on-the-job training programs. That's what they eventually wound up being, and what they demonstrated was that the clinical, actual practice teaching experience of would-be teachers, of people who wanted to become teachers, was just terribly important. So, you find now in traditional college campus-based teacher education programs a much greater emphasis on the clinical or field-based experiences in training teachers. That's a major impact of alternate routes. The other impact is to show dramatically that there's a real interest in becoming teachers among people who already have a degree. We really didn't know that that market existed, much less did we know how large it is, actually. Well, there's still, I would have to say, we also do studies and report on studies and research about the preparation and certification of teachers, and the jury is really pretty much in that alternate routes, by and large, don't necessarily do a better job than traditional routes. And one of the reasons is that there's so much variation within alternate routes and within traditional teacher education programs, so...